How this executive coach saved time and made money (with Coachvox AI)

 Introducing Rose Bot, the AI version of executive coach Rose Radford

We’re in the business of helping content creators and thought-leaders create an AI version of themselves. A digital extension or AI persona, if you like. Maybe you’re thinking about creating one for yourself. This video explains the types of professional that should definitely create their AI clone.

Save time and make more money with an AI clone

Here are Jodie and Rose to tell you more:

Here's the transcript

JODIE: This is Rose Radford, creator of the millionaire girl next door brand and a wildly successful business mentor, she helps highly capable female entrepreneurs turn $10,000 months into $100,000 months using their unique brilliance and what she describes as the simplest and chillest marketing and business models the coaching world has ever seen.


Rose knows what she’s talking about, she is a former McKenzie consultant turned seven figure entrepreneur her work has been featured in US News, Boss Babe, Forbes and Thrive Global and she has a growing membership group of inspiring entrepreneurs making more money than they know what to do with.


Rose is very in demand and has very limited time that’s why she used Coachvox AI to create a clone of herself. Rose Bot was trained up and introduced inside Rose’s programs to add value to members and I have her here to find out all the details.

Why did you decide to make an AI clone?

ROSE: To be honest with you I haven’t heard of anybody else doing this yet particularly in my industry and one of our core company values is innovation and I’ve created success personally through pioneering new ideas new concepts and solving my own problems through innovation so of course I was going to say yes to something that feels like we’re on the edge of new technology so as soon as I heard about it I was like yep sign me up I definitely want to be able to test this in in our programs.


The immediate thought I had when I knew I could create an AI version of me is that it was going to be able to save me time in client delivery so we run different coaching programs and a good chunk of my time per week is spent on answering questions to clients so I thought great instead of focusing on making money with my AI tool right now can I save myself a good chunk of hours and then be able to reallocate those hours elsewhere so for me an AI tool in my mind was going to be able to free up time off my plate and then also give my clients 24/7 access to me.

How did you name your AI?

So it took us a while to figure out what to call the AI version of me and in the end I ended up creating four different options and then polling my audience on my Instagram stories and I let my audience choose what to call me and they chose Rose Bot which I kind of liked to be honest so we went with their choice.

What was the process of training Rose Bot like?

The process that Coachvox AI takes you through was really effective for actually not just me having to do it but also my team members were set up for success too so my wonderful team member went through that process that was laid out for her and did an incredible job of it so I just had to tweak little things here and there but she did 90% of the work I would say and she is still keeping on top of it today so every other week she has a task to just go in and update bits and pieces and keep an eye on the quality of the output that Rose Bot is creating right now so that’s a really lovely thing for us to be able to stay on top of so I really enjoyed the process of creating Rose Bot I think it probably took me what like less than three hours of my personal time um which is an incredible ROI frankly to only spend a couple of hours on something like this.


And the other incredible thing that I experienced very recently was uploading my book’s manuscript into the training portal for Rose Bot and I was blown away by what happened with that it’s taken my book it’s created 800 training moments for Rose Bot in about 10 minutes I think it took which is just like what the hell and so now even if my clients haven’t read my book they can ask me questions based on what’s inside the book.

An executive coach using their AI to save time and make more money

What other content did you use to train Rose Bot?

So we were really fortunate in that I’ve been running one of my core coaching programs now for coming up to four years and in that time we’ve had the same Facebook group all through those four years and this is where our clients would ask me questions and I would give them answers throughout the week so my incredible team member was able to go in and grab a lot of the essentially FAQ and common questions I get asked and begin to train Rose Bot based on that output ready to rumble so that was like the most obvious place for us to start with and to be honest with you there was hundreds of FAQs for us to begin to dive into.

What were your first impressions of Rose Bot?

When we introduced Rose Bot to my clients the first Impressions were really interesting a lot of people were like I’ve never seen this before how the hell have you managed to do this, how long did it take you the questions the bar of questions that came back were really interesting but they were fascinated about this idea of being able to access my brain basically 24/7 because it’s one of the things that my clients pay for is to be able to access my brain, the experience that I have, the expertise, my way of thinking they like to be able to ask me questions with that in mind and so to be able to have that 24/7 was like game changer for them. And then some of my clients started obviously really getting to grips for it and tried to pretty much see if they could break Rose Bot see really if they could stress test her apparently she’s not breakable so that’s good to know I guess as humans we run out of energy in the end but Rose Bot clearly doesn’t run run out of energy at all.

What's the most common feedback you get?

The most common feedback I get back about Rose Bot is that they haven’t seen anything like this before obviously we know about standard AI chat tools like chat GPT and other things but nobody else seems to have a something like I have right now in my industry in my niche and so it’s really cool to be able to deliver this to our clients and for them to begin to get an idea of what it would look like to have their own version of an AI version of them as well because a lot of my clients also have their students and clients accessing their brains in a similar way to they access mine so I can see how the idea is really beginning to proliferate among my client base now.

What are the main benefits of Rose Bot?

I think the most mind blowing benefit of Rose Bot so far for us as a business and as the leader of that business is that within the first month or so I’m pretty sure it saved me about 12 hours of time of my personal plate and that was through our clients going and using Rose Bot and normally a question would take me a good couple of minutes to answer of course but Rose Bot was doing it for me and so that really brought down my client delivery time on a weekly basis and so I saw an immediate ROI in that regard in terms of time save for sure.


But actually it’s not just the time that it saves me every week the fact that it saves me time means therefore I have more capacity to serve more clients so our client capacity has basically been expanded because of this AI tool and the other cool thing is that my team member that trains the AI tool now really knows my content inside out and she’s able to answer some of the questions for my clients and we’ll refer back to the Rose Bot just to double check what she’s thinking and so I’m almost duplicated myself in both AI format and then kind of semi-human format too.


One of the really cool things that happened recently is that a client asked me a question and I knew we had the answer to that question somewhere in my curriculum but I’ve completely forgotten where it was and it was in more than one place in the curriculum too and I want to be able to give her all the places it was in that curriculum so I started going into my own curriculum clicking through trying to find where it is and I was like why don’t I just ask my Rose Bot where it is and it told me within about 10 seconds so I’m even using my own Rose Bot to solve my own questions and problems.

What's the weirdest thing that's happened with Rose Bot?

I have to admit one of the weirdest things about having Rose Bot is that as my team member is training it up every other week at the moment she’ll go and ask it a question just see what response it gives us and it came back with an answer that was pretty much word for word what my already prepared answer was and we hadn’t trained Rose Bot yet on that particular question and the really freaky thing about this one is that it wasn’t really an objective type question to ask it was a very much opinion-based answer and so now Rose Bot has the same opinions that I have which is kind of freaky because it makes it feel like a real person.

Did you have any reservations about making an AI clone?

One of the most surprising things about about creating Rose Bot is that as a creator a thought leader a educator sometimes you underestimate how much knowledge you actually have and you assume that other people just know what you know already and so by going through the process of creating Rose Bot and then other people accessing it it’s actually quite affirming and it makes you realize that even if you think that you don’t know enough yet to build an AI version of you you actually do and just by following the process of building one it really just shows you that you’re not an impostor you do have lots of information to share with the world and that people find it really valuable when they’re accessing it in an AI format and it doesn’t have to be you that they’re actually coming to in real life them to find it valuable.

How is Rose Bot different to ChatGPT?

I know that Rose Bot is wildly different to our clients accessing something like ChatGPT because ChatGPT is not based on what’s inside my head and I know that what’s inside my head is not available on Google because I created it I developed it it’s my intellectual property and that’s really what your clients your students your audience is paying you for they’re paying for your perspective what you’ve discovered and the IP that you’ve created over the years and so ChatGPT just can’t compete with that

Why should other coaches make an AI version of them?

I think one of the biggest benefits to having Rose Bot is actually just elevating our client experience without it costing me any more time in fact it’s saving me time and and it’s also very efficient for the team to be looking after this rather than me yet it’s able to provide our clients an opportunity to access more of my curriculum my content my thought leadership faster easier 24/7 whenever they’re awake and whatever it needs to be and I think that’s really unique in the market right now and we love being ahead of the game with it by elevating our client experience without having to as I said add more time in for me it just feels like such a win-win.

Save time and make money with your AI

JODIE: That was the amazing Rose Radford sharing her entire process so you can copy it if you’re a coach and want to get the same results as Rose you can get started right now using this link: