Why your AI replica needs to be effective, not perfect

Being clear on the purpose of your AI is far more important

Replicating yourself with AI is a great idea. If you’re an entrepreneur, creator or thought-leader, there are countless opportunities to grow your business or personal brand with an AI clone. It is tempting, however, to see your AI clone as just that; an exact clone with every piece of knowledge, skill and even memory you have as a human.


Trying to replicate all that is challenging, time-consuming and not truly possible; at least not right now. More importantly, it’s not necessary. In this post we’re going to break that down to ensure you’re implementing AI in the best way possible.

Your AI persona is a tool

Firstly, appreciate that the AI coach or AI persona you create, has a purpose; a role role to play in your marketing, sales or monetisation strategy. For this purpose, your AI needs to be effective; not perfect.


What does this mean?


It means, you need to decide what role your AI plays in your business and then train your AI to fulfil that role. Whilst this means your AI needs:

– to have a good knowledge of you, your business and your services

– to “sound” like you in interactions, and

– be able to add value to your audience as required.


It does not need to be a perfect AI clone of you.

What your AI replica is for

Your AI should have a defined role. Are you using it to collect leads’ email addresses? Do you want it to nurture people along the marketing funnel? Are you using your AI chat within a group or community? Do you want to charge for access to your AI?


Here’s a paragraph you need to complete in order to create the vision for your AI:


I’m training [your AI name] to [function] for [target audience] for the purpose of [my desired business outcome].

If you’re unsure about creating your AI, here’s some inspiration:

Making your AI fit for purpose

Now you’ve identified what you’re going to use your AI for, you need to decide how it’s going to do that. What information does it need? How does it need to talk to people? Should it share links to resources? Should it try and sell for you? How closely does it need to impersonate you?


All of this informs how to go about training your AI and exactly how perfect it needs to be.

A creator and their AI replica. It's not a perfect replica, but still effective.

Creating your AI replica

Creating an AI replica involves crafting a style and personality for your AI, giving it a conversational style and providing it with a knowledge bank based on your work and content. A tool like Coachvox AI makes this intuitive. You can see how you can create an AI in the video below, and here’s a brief summary:


  1. Customize your AI’s aesthetic
  2. Choose the conversational style
  3. Select some key phrases to use
  4. Upload your content
  5. Fine-tune your AI by rating and editing responses


You can then invite some alpha testers to prepare for your launch.

Your AI needs to be good. But how good?

Your focus needs to be on your AI achieving your business goals. If your AI is lead magnet, it needs to be compelling for someone to start a conversation.


For your AI to operate in the middle or bottom of the sales funnel, it needs to have good product or service knowledge. It needs to be trained to share key links to your website or encourage users to take the next step to becoming a customer – book a call or make and enquiry, for example.

If your AI is designed to add value to customers or within a membership group, it has to be good at answering their questions or guiding them in the way you want. This use case requires your AI to be well-trained in following your processes or any frameworks you have.


So your AI need to be good to be effective, but how good depends on the use case. The more you AI “sounds” like you, the more people will buy into what your AI says. This is crucial if you’re charging for access or want your audience to keep coming back to engage with your AI. If you want your AI to sell for you, it needs to represent you well.

Perfect AI clones don't exist...yet, and why it matters

What you don’t need is for your AI to be a perfect clone of you. It doesn’t need to perfectly mimic your talking style. It doesn’t need to know every single piece of information you know. Your dad’s name? Not important. Your favourite food? Irrelevant. Does your AI need to be trained with every piece of content you’ve every produced? Absolutely not.


But why does that matter?


Because striving for perfection might be a waste of time. As far as training data is concerned, quality is more important than quality. Your audience knows what you’re an expert in. And you also know the kind of questions they’re going to ask. Focus on these core concepts.

Furthermore, when you’re chatting to your AI in fine-tuning, you’ll dramatically improve your AI, but it won’t be perfect. There isn’t an AI tool on the planet that will create a perfect clone where every word they say it 100% accurate, every single time. And that’s okay. As long as your AI is developing your business, contributing to growth, that’s enough.


You can see the great results of our Coachvox creators here to see just what’s possible.