Create an AI coach

Here’s how you can use Coachvox AI to build an AI coach chat interface

If you’re reading this, you’re thinking about how to leverage the power of AI to engage your audience, generate leads, or even monetize your expertise. You want to offer a personalized coaching experience to your clients or followers: a 24/7 digital mentor that speaks your language and delivers insights tailored to each user’s needs. You’re probably thinking, “Yes, that sounds great, but I’m going to need an expensive team of AI engineers and a complicated tech setup to pull this off.”


Well, the good news is, you don’t. Coachvox AI is the home of AI coaching, enabling you to create an extension of yourself that’s highly intelligent and attuned to your own tone and style. Why exhaust your resources hiring engineers and dealing with cumbersome interfaces, when you can create a powerful coaching tool yourself; quickly, affordably, and with no coding required?


In this article, we’ll walk you through the straightforward process of building your own AI coach with Coachvox AI, setting you on the path to redefine personalized engagement like never before.

How to build an AI coach

Step 1: build the aesthetic

Let’s kick things off by giving your AI coach a face and a home. An engaging avatar, cohesive brand colours, and the right font can make your AI coach visually appealing and memorable to your users.


Here’s how you bring your AI coach to life:

The best part? You can embed this chat interface right onto your website, even before you train your AI coach. Your AI coach can start interacting with users immediately, offering a taste of the brilliant content and personalized interaction that’s to come.


Take this step seriously; it’s the equivalent of setting up the storefront of a physical business. Make it inviting, make it ‘you,’ and you’re already halfway to impressing your future audience.

Step 2: Give your AI style and personality

Once the aesthetics are in place, now’s the time to infuse your AI coach with character. Here’s where we give your AI coach a unique world view and personality. 

Create an AI coach by first telling it about you and your personality

You also choose the coaching style that will emotionally resonate with your users. Coachvox AI makes this process super-simple with a series of sliders to easily set up and tweak the style of your AI coach.

Build your AI coach using these sliders, modifying its style

Step 3: Upload training data

Think of this phase as equipping your AI coach with the ‘what’; the expertise, tips, and advice it will share. The more aligned this data is with your own area of expertise, the more valuable and authentic the coaching will be.


There are a couple of different ways you can upload training data to Coachvox AI, but the most straightforward is to add documents to our knowledge base. The software translates your documents into training data automatically.

Upload files to give your AI persona your knowledge

Step 4: Fine-tune by chatting to your AI coach

Now that the foundational elements are set, the real magic happens in the fine-tuning. This is your opportunity to interact with your AI coach, see how it responds, and make any necessary adjustments. 

Chat to your AI self to fine tune its responses

How to build an AI coach

Here’s more about Coachvox AI:

What can I do with the AI coach I created?

There are lots of potential uses for the AI coach you’ve developed.


Firstly, use it to engage and add value to your audience. That could be your social media followers, members of a group or existing clients. Simply embed your AI coach and share the link. Your Coachvox AI is a potent brand-building tool.


It’s also an excellent lead-generation tool; a great way to collect email addresses from individuals that interact with your AI. In some ways, an AI chatbot is the ultimate lead magnet.

In summary

Creating your own AI coach is more than just a technological feat; it’s an opportunity to extend your reach and impact in a meaningful way. From the initial aesthetic setup to fine-tuning the conversations, each step brings you closer to offering a unique and personalised coaching experience.


If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, Coachvox AI is here to make it as smooth as possible. Take the first step today by creating your account.

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